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Réponse : • Calcul de la dose journalière en UI de Colchymicine : 22500 UI / 24 H. • Calcul de la dose en UI / injection (en raison de 3 IM / 24 H): 7500 UI / Injection. I got a scrip for HGH but it's for one of those pen things which seems to work in mgs whereas I have been reading about the dosing in ius for such a long time now and feel like I am more familiar with it. Achat steroide europe Mesterolone, 40 mg hgh calculé en ui - Acheter des stéroïdes anabolisants en ligne Achat steroide europe Mesterolone Proviron - Super Steroid France. PlayStation 5, XBOX, Racing Simulators & AlienWare VR ready with VR headsets. 40 mg anavar per day — Mass gains Acquire hard and lean appearance Athletic speed A cutting compound Lower body fat Achieve a dry look Does not convert to estrogen Increase in the amount of free testosterone More energy strength. 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